
RiskyBOT's commands are built into Discord with Slash Commands.
Type "/" on your keyboard to see them!


Replies information about RiskyBOT and my credits

/about channel

Replies with information about a channel

/about role

Replies with information about a role

/about subreddit

Get information about a subreddit

/about user

Replies with information about a user

/fun affect

Show everyone what affected you


Say hello to the bot

/random affirmation

A random affirmation

/random bird

🐦 A random bird image

/random cat

🐱 A random cat image

/random dad-joke

🤣 A random dad joke

/random dog

🐶 A random dog image

/random duck

🦆 A random duck image

/random emoji

A random emoji

/random fact

A random fact

/random insult

😢 A random insult

/random number

A random number

/random quote

🗨️ A random quote

/random reddit post

Uses Reddit and your selected subreddit

/search urban-dictionary

Use Urban Dictionary to define

/tools 8ball

🎱 Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question!

/tools choose

Use the bot to choose an option

/tools rhymes

Find words that rhyme with a provided word


Translate text between language using Google Translate



Show everyone what affected you



Show everyone why you are crying


/image-from attachment

Get an image from an attachment


/image-from user

Get an image from a user's avatar

The commands with an icon are special dedicated bots, click here to learn more.